Posts from 2025

Posts from 2025

God Breathed Part 3

God-Breathed Scripture  Part 3 Best known for his defense of scripture against higher criticism and liberal theology, Princeton professor B B Warfield (1851–1921) would have agreed that 2 Timothy 3:16 “constitutes a ringing declaration of the Divine authorship of Scripture” (Part 1). In an article entitled Inspiration (ISBE 1915), Warfield discusses the term theópneustos, a compound word made up of theos (God) and, according to most language specialists, pneo (to breathe, breathe out, blow). Warfield argues that ‘The Greek word does…

God Breathed Part 2

God-Breathed Scripture Part 2             One of the “well-known difficulties” presented by 2 Timothy 3:16 (Part 1) has to do with the position of the adjective usually translated as “inspired by God” (NASB) or similar. Evidently, it is “grammatically permissible” for this word to be in “the attributive position or the predicate position” (H. Wayne House ‘Biblical Inspiration in 2 Timothy 3:16,’ Bibliotheca Sacra Jan 1980). Thankfully House explains what he means. He tells us…

God Breathed – Part 1

God-Breathed Scripture Part 1                                                                                                                                                        …